Monday, June 15, 2009

We Rejoice in our Sufferings

Here is the sermon skeleton from the sermon I preached this past Sunday morning on Romans 5:3-5.

Title: “We Rejoice In Our Sufferings”

Text: Romans 5:3-5

Theme: The Christian Response to Suffering

Point: We rejoice in our suffering.


I. The reality of Christian suffering

There are four major reasons why the Lord allows suffering in the lives of Christians:

A. An act of divine chastisement (Heb. 12:6-11)

B. A platform for God’s glory (John 9:1-4)

C. The result of spiritual warfare (Job)

D. The means of spiritual growth (Romans 5:3-5)

II. The response to Christian suffering

A. We rejoice in our sufferings

B. We rejoice because of what we know

III. The reason for Christian suffering

There are three Christian virtues God produces through our sufferings:

A. Suffering produces endurance

B. Endurance produces character

C. Character produces hope