Saturday, February 04, 2006

Resources on the Ten Commandments

If God allows, I will begin a series of sermons on the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17)tomorrow in the corporate worship service at MSMBC. Here are some of the the resources I am using in my studies. Some of these works are newer; others I have had for some time. My reference to these books should not be taken to mean that I agree with every statement in them. But I have found them to be helpful in my studies. Here they are, listed in no particular order:

1. Disciplines of Grace - R. Kent Hughes (Crossway)

2. Pathway to Freedom - Alistair Begg (Moody)

3. The Ten Commandments: A Manual for the Christian Life - J. Douma (P&R Publishers)

4. The Ten Commandmens - Arthur W. Pink (Baker)

5. John Calvin's Sermons on the Ten Commandments - Edited & Translated by Benjamin W. Farley (Baker)

6. The Truth about God - Stanley M. Hauerwas & William H. Willimon (Abingdon)

7. Whatever Happened to the Ten Commandments - Ernest C. Reisinger (Banner of Truth)

8. Exodus: Saved for God's Glory - Philip Graham Ryken (Crossway)

9. Basic Bible Sermons on the Ten Commandments - Jerry Vines (Broadman)

10. The Ten Commandments: Playing by the Rules - Stuart Briscoe (Shaw)

11. Laws of the Heart - Bill Hybles (Victor)

12. Why the Ten Commandments Matter - D. James Kennedy, with David Hazard (Warner Faith)

13. Growing in Christ - J.I. Packer (Crossway)

14. The Ten Commandments - Thomas Watson (Banner of Truth)

15. The Law of Perfect Freedom - Michael S. Horton (Moody)

I have also found the sermons of Ligon Duncan and Ray Pritchard helpful. I found them on their prespective websites.