Thursday, May 14, 2009

Speaking @ the Buffalo Citywide Revival

I am in Buffalo, New York. I am preaching the citywide revival hosted by the local Baptist Minister's Conference. President Daniels extended the invitation to me, after hearing me preach the Faith Seminary graduation at the WHW Expository Preaching Conference in Los Angeles some years ago. Isn't amazing how God works through us even when we have no idea what he is doing and who he is touching?

The first three days have been great meetings. One of the local pastors, Pastor Blackburn, has been lecturing each night on saving our youth. There has also been a citywide mass choir that has lifted us up in worship each night. And it has been a pure joy for me to minister the word to this assembled congregation each night.

The men also asked me to teach on preaching Tuesday through Thursday in the afternoon. And the past two days have been great. I didn't expect the men to come out to here this upstart teach them anything about preaching. But when I came into the room, several pastors, who have been preaching longer than I have been alive, were already sitting there with pens and pads waiting to study. The past two days, I have endeavored to share with them my process from text to sermon. And our discussions about preaching and pastoral work have been very stimulating. I can talk about preaching all day long! I love it.

I have one more session with the brothers this afternoon.

I am always encouraged when pastors work together for the spiritual benefit of the cause of Christ and reaching their communities. And I am glad to see the attendance of the pastors, and their cooperation with one another, and their desire to see their memberships edified by the word of God.

I am truly having a good time with week in worship and fellowship. But I am homesick. I really missed being in my own midweek worship service last night. But I praise God that the Lord blessed the service in my absence. Likewise, a five-night meeting is... five nights. I think I preached so hard last night out of instinct, as it would have been my last night in town in the typical revivals that I preach. But I am confident that the Lord will give me strength.

Please remember the last days of this meeting, that God would be glorified, the saints will be built up in their faith, and lost people will be won to Jesus Christ by the grace and power of God.