Thursday, February 08, 2007

Wednesdays in the Word Kick-Off

Last night, we began our Wednesday in the Word Revival series at MSMBC. Dr. William Curtis of the Mt. Ararat Baptist Church in Pittburg was our guest speaker. And he kicked off this series in a great way. The Lord really did use Pastor Curtis to deliver a timely, challenging, and uplifting message from the word of God. I don’t like to attach a lot of descriptions to the term “preaching.” I think the word ought to stand on its own – either one preached or he did not. But there are two terms that I think are appropriate to describe preaching – “faithful” and "courageous.” And both terms describe Pastor Curtis’ message last night. The message ministered to me in a personal way at an important time in my life. Praise God! Likewise, our congregation was enriched by the ministry of the word. I was somewhat disappointment that more people were not present. But I am grateful for everyone who was present – members and guest alike. And I pray that last night will be just the beginning of a great revival in and through MSMBC.