Thursday, March 02, 2006

Becoming a Faithful Witness

Here is my sermon skeleton from my midweek message:

Title: “Becoming a Faithful Witness of Scripture

Text: Psalm 119:41-48

Theme: Becoming a faithful witness of God’s word

Point: Devotion to God’s word is marked by a growing commitment to personal witnessing.


I. The Prayer of a Faithful Witness (119:41-43)

A. You need God to strengthen your witness (vv. 41-42).

B. You need God to sustain your witness (v. 43).

II. The Pledge of a Faithful Witness (119:44-48)

A. Be a obedient witness (vv. 44-45)

1. The life of obedience (v. 44)

2. The liberty of obedience (v. 45)

B. Be a courageous witness (vv. 46-47)

1. You ought to be a bold witness for God’s word (v. 46)

2. You can be a bold witness for God’s word (v. 47)

C. Be a devoted witness (v. 48)