Monday, March 03, 2008

Notes from Sunday

- I died. I thought Daylight Savings Time was to spring us forward this past weekend. I was a week early. Oops.

- The L.A. Marathon has altered its route. And my family and I were able to get to church with absolutely no complications. And it did not hurt our worship attendance, either. Cool.

- My wife was able to go to church for the first time in several weeks. She has been feeling better and has been able to move around a bit. I was so happy to see her in her typical spot. I had to work at points not to stare at her.

- I finished my series on "Total-Life Stewardship" with a message on the stewardship of your witness. If was the seventh message of the series, even though it feels like it has been much longer than that. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.

- I cannot wait to get back to doing verse-by-verse exposition of passages, even though I was just getting into a rhythm of preaching thematic (verse-with-verse) messages.

- I have been preaching really long sermons on the past several weeks. I am a long-winded preacher. But I think I have been piling it on the past few weeks. I need to work on that. I am glad that the congregation has been patient with my preaching.

- I love when we celebrate the Lord's Supper in our worship services at MSMBC!

- There were quite of few guests in worship with us Sunday. Some have been visiting for several weeks, and I was able to finally match a name with a face. It was very encouraging to hear how our congregation is helping people who are taking steps of faith toward Christ and the church.

- I was great to be able to announce that we had closed on the properties we are purchasing. God be praised!

- For the record, I have not jumped on the Lakers bandwagon. And I will not. I still don't like them. Deport me if you must!