Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Introducing Miss H.B. Charles

There is a new addition to the Charles family!!!

Crystal gave birth yesterday (3/24) to our new daughter at 3:14 pm.

She is a little early, but both Crystal and the baby are doing fine.

She was born at 7 pounds and 3 ounces, 20 and 1/2 inches.

She looks like... Well, we're not sure who see looks like yet.

The process went smoothly, with no complications. Praise God!

As Crystal was still in surgery, I laid the baby on her chest. And she began to lick Crystal's face.

She was not out of the womb two hours before she found her thumb.

Crystal is still in a little pain, and will have to be in the hospital for several days. Otherwise, "the mother bear" has returned!

Her dad was in the delivery room during the birth, and did not pass out. He even cut the umbilical cord. Who doesn't believe in miracles?!?

H.B. and Natalie are both excited about their new baby sister and concerned about why mommy and the baby could not go home last night.

We have named her Hailey Breanne Charles.

Thank you for your prayers and concern.

Pictures forthcoming shortly.