Thursday, November 06, 2008

Charge It To My Head...

We had a warm and uplifting worship service last night. Pastor Maurice Watson preached a timely and powerful message. I trust that anyone who was listening with an open heart and mind was challenged by the message to trust God in a greater way. And I believe the Lord was glorified. But something was went missing.

It was not until after the service was over that it dawned on me that I had commit a big oversight. Nothing whatsoever was mentioned in the service about the historic presidential election that had taken place this past Tuesday. And this oversight has offended some of our members.

I take full responsibility for the oversight. Please forgive me for failing to take the time to pray for our president-elect, our other local and national leaders, and our country as a whole. Whoever you may have voted for, each of us as Christians have a responsibility to pray for and follow, as much as conscience and conviction will allow us, the leadership of those who have been placed in authority over us.

Shiloh, this is one of many mistakes I will make as your pastor. Again, please forgive my absentmindedness and the oversight of such an important national ocassion. And thank you for your patience with me.

If the Lord allows us to live and meet together this coming Lord's Day, I will make sure that we take time in our corporate worship services to pray for the president-elect.

God bless.