Yesterday we celebrated three years the Lord has blessed us to serve him together as pastor and people at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church.
What a church!!!
Either time flies by or I am getting older. Or both.
Wednesday evening, Pastor George Hurtt of the Mt. Sinai Baptist Church of Los Angeles was our guest speaker. He kicked off the celebration in a great way with a message from Psalm 23:2.
Yesterday, our guest was Pastor Romell Williams, who leads the Lilydale Baptist Church in Chicago. He preached from Matthew 20:1-16 and 1 Corinthians 2:1-5. They were both solid messages.
It was good to have a Sunday off from preaching. The bow that is always bent will inevitably break.
My daughter, Natalie, led a song with the children choir during our 10:15 service. If she would have sung another verse, I would have completely fallen apart .
Maurice Griffin was our guest soloist this weekend. He did an excellent job, as usual.
I was greatly encouraged by every expression of love, kindness and support the members of Shiloh showed my and my family. I am blessed to serve a great people. I am grateful for the privilege and thankful for the all the Lord is doing in us and through us.
In the afternoon, our choir was in full concert. It was a moving time of worship and praise.
I even sang a little with the choir!
I am scheduled to preach today at the Southern Baptist Convention of Texas that is meeting in Irving (Dallas) this week.
I missed my flight last night. And, of course, it was the last flight of the evening.
Crystal found me an early morning flight to Dallas, while I slept.
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine…”
Please pray for me as I minister the word today.
Speaking of Dallas, the Cowboys put a whippin’ on the Buffalo Bills 44-7.
The Jags defeated the hapless Colts 17-3.
Saturday, the USC Trojans beat down the Washington Huskies 40-17.
I slept through the Pacquiao-Marquez fight Saturday night. From all reports, I did not miss anything.