Monday, August 17, 2009

Notes from Sunday - 08//16/09

Praise God for another Lord’s Day of worship at the Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church. May our times together in corporate worship increasing shape our thinking and behavior so that we may have a transforming influence on the city of Jacksonville and to the farthest reaches of the world.

In my New Members Class, I taught on “Meeting the Enemy,” a lesson on what scripture teaches about Satan. This is always an interesting challenge, to say what scripture without speculating. Alongside of eschatology, this is one of the areas of scripture were men are prone to speculate. I tried to faithful to what scripture actually says about Satan. And to keep the main thing the main things, without going into extremes. I found my class members found it helpful.

Thank God for those who followed Christ in baptism yesterday.

I preached from Philippians 2:16-18. I entitled the message, “How to be a Living Sermon.”

My 10 AM presentation may have been the shortest message I have preached since I have been at SMBC. I did not feel well. I stood there as long as I could.

I praise the Lord that his grace is sufficient and his strength is perfected in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Praise God for those who were saved and/or added to the church in our services yesterday.

Next week’s sermon text: Philippians 2:19-24.

Last night, Crystal bought me the DVDs from the second season of The West Wing. That’s love!

The Dallas Cowboys lost to the Oakland Raiders yesterday 10-31. But it was only the first game of the preseason. Bring on the games that count!

Last week, I was celebrating that I have been in Florida all summer and there have been no hurricane threats. I may have celebrated too soon.

Please remember me in your prayers today.