Monday, February 20, 2012

Notes from Sunday - 2/19/12

Happy President’s Day!

Great day of worship yesterday at the Shiloh Church!

I really enjoyed teaching my Sunday school class. We are studying the attributes of God. Yesterday’s lesson was on the glory of God.

As always, I was encouraged by the presence of those who were guests in worship with us yesterday.

During the 8 AM service, the song of preparation was “Beams of Heaven.” I love that song. My mom used to sing it a lot when I was a boy. I have not heard it in a long time.

Praise God for those who were baptized yesterday!

I continued my study of 1 John with a message on 1 John 2:1-2 that I called, “What Every Christian Should Know About Sin.”

There are two essential truths every Christian should know and always remember about sin: (1) God hates sin. And (2) God loves sinners.

Praise God for those who were saved and added to the church yesterday.

Next Sunday is our Ministry Emphasis Day. I plan to interrupt my study of 1 John to preach on the subject of Christian service and ministry. At this point, I plan to do Matthew 20:20-28. We’ll see.

I plan to spend the next two days writing.

Pray for me.