Monday, February 06, 2012

Notes from Sunday - 2/5/12

We have a great day of worship this past Lord’s Day at the Shiloh Church.

I love my congregation!

It is encouraging that our members were blessed by our Wednesdays in the Word kick-off this past week.

Saturday morning, I taught our New Members Class. It was the first time being on Saturday. I think the first time around went pretty well.

I am enjoying teaching my new Sunday school class. I finished my lesson this morning on the nature of God that I called, “Who is God?”

As always, I am grateful for all of the guests who were in worship with us.

Our Fighter Verse(s) today were Psalm 103:1-4. The verses to memorize this week are Psalm 103:5-7.

We celebrated the Lord’s Supper in both of our morning services. What a blessing!

We extended the Right-Hand-of-Fellowship to our new members for the first time. It was nothing formal, but special, nonetheless. I simply want to affirm our new members before the congregation and share with the congregation how the Lord is adding to the church.

I really do count it a privilege every time I have the opportunity to lead the congregation in corporate praise.

I preached from 1 John 1:8-10. I called the message, “Being Honest with God.”

Focusing on verse 9, I sought to explain what it means to confession your sins to God.


      I.     The place of confession

A.     Confession is a necessary part of the Christian life.

B.     Confession is a natural part of the Christian life.

    II.     The practice of confession

A.     Take personal responsibility.

B.     Be specific.

C.     Repent.

D.    Do it promptly.

  III.     The power of confession

A.     Confess your sin with confidence in God’s holy character.

B.     Confess your sin with confidence in God’s amazing grace.

I have enjoyed preaching these first three messages from 1 John. I look forward to the remainder of the study.

My next message from 1 John: “What Every Christian Should Know About Sin” (1 John 2:1-2).

Praise God for those who were saved and added to the church today.

After church, we had lunch with one of our Bible Study Fellowship groups. It was a good time of fellowship. I need to set Galatians 5:22-23 to memory again. I was not ready for the pop quiz.

The New York Giants defeated the New England Patriots 21-17 to win Super Bowl XLVI.

In typical H.B. fashion, I slept through the second half and woke up to see the last two plays of the game.