Monday, June 23, 2008

Notes from Sunday - 06/22/08

I took an overnight trip Houston this week. Saturday afternoon, I flew into Houston to preach for Pastor Dennis Jones and the Gethsemane Baptist Church. It was the their Micah Ministry's (Young Adults) emphasis, with various events taking place over the weekend. And the young adults led the services on Sunday morning.

This is my second time preaching at Gethsemane. And I was again blessed and encouraged by the worship and fellowship. Pastor Jones has proven to be a true friend to me since we met. And it is an honor to be invited to minister the word to his wonderful congregation.

I like Houston, Texas.

I hear that George preached up a storm yesterday on the story of Jesus' encounter with Zacchaeus in Luke 19:1-10. Praise God for his hard work and the Lord's favor.

The early reports I received are that MSMBC had a good day Sunday. Everything went smoothly and according to schedule in spite of my absence. This is always music to a pastor's ears.

I flew home several hours after I finished preaching. I was home before it was dark. And was still able to spend a part of the evening with Crystal and the kids... until I passed out.

Today begins a pretty busy work week for me. Please remember me in your prayers.