Tonight begins our Wednesdays in the Word Revival at Mt. Sinai Church. Rather than meeting consecutive nights which we typically do, we are meeting consecutive Wednesdays in February for the first time. The idea is not original with us. But I am praying that the Lord will honor this meeting with his blessings in a special way. We are not a large congregation. And this meeting is a real step of faith for us in some ways. Yet, we are honored to have some great men of God to minister the word to us over the course of these weeks. Dr. William Curtis, who pastors the Mt. Ararat Baptist Church in Pittsburg, is our guest speaker tonight. Dr. Curtis is also the new president of the Hampton University Ministers’ Conference. Most importantly, this guy can just flat out preach. I have heard him on tape quite a bit over the past few years. I also watch his internet broadcasts occasionally. I had the opportunity to meet and hear him personally last October. I was enriched by both the personal fellowship and the ministry of the word he delivered. And I trust that tonight will be no different. Please pray that this revival will be a fruitful in, for and through MSMBC to the glory of God.