Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Blessed to be Busy

I have been quite busy since my last post. Wednesday through Friday of last week, our church hosted a series of "revival" services in connection with our church anniversary. We were blessed to sit under the preaching of Pastor Tellis Chapman of the Galilee Baptist Church of Detroit for three nights. His messages truly ministered to our congregation each night. Saturday morning, I flew to Chicago to preach. My friend, Romell Williams was celebrating two years as pastor of the Lilydale Progressive Baptist Church. I preached the two morning services. And then went to two afternoon services, one at 3:30 and one at 5 PM. Monday morning, I flew home to get ready for our quarterly congregational meeting, which took place Monday night. And yesterday, our church staff had an all-day meeting to get a kick-start to our end of the year planning process. Afterward, our Worship Planning Team met to outline the corporate worship services for the month of October. In the midst of all of this, I have been preparing myself to preach tonight. I intend to continue our study of Psalm 119, with a study of verses 105-112. I will spend the entire day finishing my preparation.

I have been busy. But it has all been a great blessing to me. I don't know if a man could be more blessed than I am, having the privilege to shepherd God's people and minister God's word. I once read of one of the American forefathers, whose name slips my grasp this morning. Anyway, he had worn himself out with his work. And his doctor recommended that he take some time to rest. His wife encouraged him to get away. But he claimed that he didn't know where to go. So she recommended that he sleep on it and that he get up and go to whatever place was most on his heart. The next morning, he did. He went back to his laboratory! I think I feel the same way. Don't worry, my schedule after today will be rather light for the rest of the week. And I intend to take full advantage of that. But, in the meantime, I am not complaining. I am blessed to be busy doing the work of the Lord!