Last night, I preached the eleventh stanza of Psalm 119. I am now halfway up this Mt. Everest of the Psalms. I have been richly blessed by my personal study of this passage over the past several months. And even though it has been difficult preparing some of the messages, I have really enjoyed the sermon preparation process, as well. It has kept me on my toes to wrestle through the theme of each of these eight verse sections, while maintain the main thrust of the psalm. And I have enjoyed preaching these messages to Mt. Sinai on Wednesday nights. I have missed some weeks, but every time we pick it back up, the congregation is ready, attentive, and encouraging. May the Lord's blessings be on the remaining studies of this remarkable psalm.
Here is the sermon skeleton from last night's message:
Title: "Making it Through the Middle Miles"
Text: Psalm 119:81-88
Point: You can make it through the middle miles of life if you wait on God's perfect timing and walk in God's unfailing love.
I. Wait on God's Perfect Timing (119:81-84)
A. Wait on God's salvation (v. 81)
B. Wait on God's comfort (vv. 82-83)
C. Wait on God's verdict (v. 84)
II. Walk in God's unfailing Word (119:85-88)
A. Walk with spiritual discernment (v. 85)
B. Walk with spiritual devotion (vv. 86-88)
1. The Lord will help you (v. 86)
2. The Lord will sustain you (v. 87)
3. The Lord will revive you (v. 88)