It is just past 2 AM here in Dayton. I am tired, lonely, and homesick. And I cannot sleep. I flew all day Saturday to get here (It was morning when I left LAX; evening when I arrived in Dayton). I got something to eat and basically went straight to bed. My day started pretty early this morning. I had to preach twice at the Phillip's Temple CME Church, for their 9 and 11 AM worship services. Pastor James Washington is a kind and gracious host. In fact, his kindness to me has been somewhat embarrassing. He really goes out of his way to make sure that I am comfortable. The first service was okay. It all moved so fast, that it was kind of hard for me to catch up with the pace of the service. I am not sure whether or not it showed during in my delivery. In the second service, I was a little more relaxed. And I think my presentation of the word was better in that service. But God knows that I gave my best to him in both services.
After worship, I got something to eat (I had one of the best omelets I have had in a long time) and came back to my room. I napped briefly. But I have been up every since. I have watched some TV preachers. I have talked to my family. I have went for a walk. I have studied and prayed. I have talked to a friend who needed my ear at a critical time in the life of his ministry. I am exhausted now. But I am unable to get relax and get to sleep. It may be that, for all my traveling, I am very rarely away from home on a Sunday. I usually come home from trips on the weekend, rather than the other way around. Thankfully, I don't have much scheduled for Monday besides prayer and study. I trust I will be able to catch up on my rest.
From the initial reports I have received, the Lord richly blessed the day at MSMBC. George preached on the Rich Young Ruler (Matthew 19:16-22). I heard that he did a good job with the text and presented a strong message. Two people responded during the call to decision. I hear that the report from our Singles Conference, which took place this weekend, was rather moving. I really praise God for all that he has done at, in and through Mt. Sinai this Lord's Day. It saddens me that I was not able to be with my beloved congregation. But I am always encouraged to hear that the Lord's faithfulness continues without wavering, even when I am absent. I look forward to getting home to my family and congregation Wednesday. Pray for me.