Friday, February 03, 2006
The Ten Commandments Today
This coming Lord's Day, I plan to begin a series of sermons on the Ten Commandments, recorded in Exodus 20:1-17. I intend to preach the commandments one at a time. I did this in the beginning of 1997, almost ten years ago. In fact, I wasn't even using a computer when I last preached this series. All of my study notes and sermon manuscripts are handwritten. But I took really good study notes the last time. This will be of great help in the upcoming weeks of study. However, I do not intend to merely re-preach the previous messages. In the past years, I have been collecting additional resources on the Ten commandments that should prove quite helpful. And I trust that I have grown in my preaching since I last preached these commandments. So there should be a "newness of life" to these messages. Likewise, a friend of mind whose preaching I greatly admire is also beginning a series on the Ten Commandments this week. So it should be kind of fun to preach them at the same time and exchange notes. This coming Sunday, I plan to begin the series with a message on Exodus 20:1-3, entitled, "No Competition." Pray that God would use this series to win many lost souls and edify the congregation of believers at Mt. Sinai.