Following is the little note I wrote for our church bulletin this past Sunday:
Today, many Christian congregations across America will observe Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. It’s a time when followers of Jesus Christ affirm the centrality of God’s role in the important issues of life, sexuality, pregnancy, abortion, adoption, family, and children. In the providence of God, this year’s observance is taking place at the conclusion of Senate confirmation hearings for Judge Samuel Alito, the president’s nominee for the Supreme Court. For those who hope, pray, and labor for Roe vs. Wade to be overturned, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in this country, the selection of conservative minded justices is vital. But it is disappointing that many believers seem to have no passion for this issue beyond overturning Roe.
We live in a country with a democratic process that allows and expects us to be a part of the governmental process. And this is certainly a blessing from God. So it would seem to me to be irresponsible if we did not support godly political and judicial leaders and strive for just laws to be established. However, we deceive ourselves if we think that passing the right laws or electing the right people will automatically change this godless society we live in. The Prohibition Act of the 1930’s, noble as it may have been, is proof that you cannot legislate morality. And even after civil rights movement led to certain racist laws being changed; it didn’t change prejudiced attitudes. Likewise, overturning Roe would not change the sinful mindset that causes many children to be killed in their mother’s wombs. In fact, I fear that it may make things worse. Our sinful flesh is determined to have its own way. Just ask the men of Sodom who continued their attempts to break into Lot’s house to molest the new men who had come to town, even after the angels had struck them with blindness (Gen. 19).
What America needs is a God-sent, Gospel-driven, life-changing revival. Then, as Christ transforms fallen souls into new creations, we will see change in our society. So, above all, what we should do to bring about a change is pray. Pray that lost people will be saved. Pray that the church will be the church. Pray that the Lord will change the hearts and minds of this sinful society so that God’s will shall be done, sexual purity promoted, individualism exchanged for community, children viewed as a blessing, and a true sense of family is embraced. Remember, God does need us to be lobbyists in order for him to do something great among us. 2 Chronicles 7:14 outlines what he needs us to do: “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (ESV).