Saturday, November 12, 2005
Glocal Christian Ministry
Our Missions Conference today was informative, challenging, and encouraging. It was our first missions emphasis event. And the really smiled on our time together in study and fellowship. I wish more of our membership would have been present. But I praise God for the every one who was present. Pastor Randy Vaughn of the Mt. Sinai Baptist Church in Port Arthur was our guest speaker. He shared his personal testimony, explained the biblical mandate and purpose of world missions, and discussed practical ways he and his congregation are involved in missions work. Pastor Vaughn used a term that I am sure many of us will be repeating in the days to come: "glocal." It's the combination of the words "global" and "local." His point was that we must avoid being a church that has only a local impact without a global vision. And we must also avoid being a church that focuses on worldwide missions and neglects its local function. We must strive to be "glocal." May the Lord sovereignly help MSMBC to become a "glocal" church. And may he do the same in, through, and for your congregation, as well.