Did my hipness quota go up because I used the term "shout-out"? I'm not sure. But it is my intention to use my Saturday posts to kind of recap my week. So here goes.
This past Thursday, I spoke at the Southern California Conference of the AME Church, under Bishop Bryant. It was their annual "Sons of Thunder Night." And I was invited to speak, for the second year in row, by my friend Pastor Sherman Gordon of the New Philadelphia AME Church of Carson, CA. It's a young but strong and growing church. They have recently even moved into a impressive new facility. I am excited about the friendship that is slowly being forged between us. He seems to be a sincere, godly, and humble man. And I pray that we will get to know each other better in the days to come. Anyway, the service was warm, encouraging, and challenging. In a rarely scenarios, it seemed like more than half of the congregation was men. And they were fired-up men who were eager to hear the word. I won't try to rate the sermon; but I can say that I held nothing back. I believe many people were helped and that God was glorified.
There is a young lady in my church, Bridgette, who has been like a sister to me over the years. Her son, Tyler, has had some health challenges this year that we have been praying her through. This Thursday, he had a rather serious procedure done, and it was a complete success. He came through it without any complications. And he should have a full recovery. He's a strong kid! And she's a wonderful mother. Praise God for answering prayers!!!
Next week, the pastoral leaders of our church will meet together for our church council retreat, where we will review the past year of ministry, evaluate our present spiritual condition, and prayerfully plan for the new year. In preparation for our retreat, I had more than ten meetings this week. That doesn't include all of the other personal stuff and pastoral work that I had to give my attention to this week. But the Lord was faithful in giving strength and wisdom. And I believe that the meetings will bear much fruit in the days to come. If nothing more, it came me some personal time with my colaborers for us to check in with one another, share our hearts, and pray. Bless be the tie that binds...
Dr. Sylvester Washington of Pleasant Hill Baptist Church in LA began our Guest Lecture Series this past Wednesday night. He taught on evangelism-discipleship. He was great. Dr. Washington bleeds evangelism, has a shepherd's heart, and is full of godly wisdom. It was great to sit under his teaching ministry. Our Guest Lecture Series is something new we've started at MSMBC. We often invite guest to come preach. But we don't really invite others to come teach. Yet, there are pastors who are great teachers and who have much insight in certain areas of Christian doctrine of practice. We can learn much from them. And we intend to, twice a year. Pray for the remainder of the series.
Our new Minister of Music, Shirley Massie, began her work with us this week. Actually, I heard her play for the first time in our midweek service Wednesday night. I already knew she could play, without ever hearing her. But it was great to hear her Wednesday. She seemed to be right at home. I hope she felt that way.
We are in the final stages of negotiation to go on the radio in nine different cities across America. Check our church website in the next week or so. There should be information added there soon about what stations will be on and when.
Finally, a big shout-out to my dog, Lido. He was off his chain a few nights ago, and had every chance to run. But he didn't do it. Now, if I was Lido, I would have fled 521 like I was fugitive running from justice. But not Lido. He sat by the backdoor the whole night, waiting on someone to check on him. Good job, Lido. By the way, Lido is the only one who absolutely agrees with everything I write in this blog. My wife, children, family, friends, church, and first grade teacher may disassociate themselves from much that I write here. But not Lido. He's with me to the bitter end. I think I'll give him a bath soon... maybe.
Happy birthday H.B. Charles III!!!