Tuesday, August 16, 2005
We Get it Right More than We Get it Wrong
This past Sunday evening, I attended a benefit service for a young minister in our city who is sick. Pastors from different churches, conferences, and denominations came together to show their support. This is commendable. But it won't be. Preachers usually only get attention for doing something wrong; not for doing something right. So I'll commend them myself. Unfortunately, it is often hard to get preachers to work together. Everything from inflated egos to personal animosity to professionional jealously to differing convictions keep us apart. But in this instance, when it really counted, these men got together to show their support for a brother in need. Many were dead tired from a long day of preaching and teaching. But they did not just send a donation. They personally attended. I know the report of this service had to be encouraging to our young colleague. It was encouraging to me! We Chrisian leaders actually do get it right more than we get it wrong. And we're working on getting it wrong even less. May the Lord bring it to pass.